RealOrganic™ Curcumin


Advantages of RealOrganic™ Curcumin

  • Free of pesticide and herbicide residues
  • Free of harmful organic solvent residues
  • Low levels of heavy metals
  • Made from non-GMO raw material

The Difference Between Organic Turmeric and RealOrganic™ Curcumin

  • The organic turmeric used for the production is grown without using any artificial pesticides and herbicides, which cause various health issues.  Instead, organic turmeric is grown using biological pest control measures and natural weed control measures such as rotation of crops.
  • Organic turmeric is grown using natural fertilizers such as green manure or compost.  Sewage sludge, which can potentially contain toxic metals and pathogens is not used during organic turmeric farming.
  • Organic turmeric is grown without the use of sodium nitrate (Chilean nitrate). Nitrate fertilizers are not necessary and not recommended for organic farming.
  • Organic turmeric is grown without the use of hydroponic (plants grown in nutrient enriched water without soil) or aeroponic (plant cultivation where roots are exposed to air) production methods. Both these methods are not classified as certified organic growing methods due to their exclusion of the soil-plant ecology intrinsic to organic farming systems and USDA/NOP regulations.
  • Only ethanol is used in the extraction and isolation of RealOrganic™ Curcumin.  Ethanol is a class 3 solvent with low toxic potential according to the FDA.  The product is free of Class 1 and Class 2 residual solvents. According to the FDA, solvents under Class 1 should not be employed in the manufacture process because of their unacceptable toxicity and known human carcinogenicity. Class 2 solvents should be limited in use because of their inherent toxicity.  Class 3 solvents include no solvent known as a human health hazard at levels normally accepted in pharmaceuticals and have low toxic potential.
  • RealOrganic™ Curcumin meets the USP 467 residual solvents and USP 561 pesticide residue requirements.
  • RealOrganic™ Curcumin meets USP total heavy metals specifications.
  • RealOrganic™ Curcumin is a non-GMO product and does not contain genetically modified ingredients.

RealOrganic™ Curcumin Competitive Advantage – Quality Ensured by Multiple Certifications

  • The raw materials, process and final product are certified by Lacon India a subsidiary of Lacon GmbH.  The product is USDA approved.
  • Inspections and Certifications:
  • Kosher Certified from M/s Kosher Check
  • ISO 9001:2008 Inspected & Certified from M/s British Certifications Inc.
  • Validated by QC in the USA

Problem of Residual Solvents with Regular Curcumin

  • Regular Curcumin is extracted and isolated using combination of solvents such as ethyl acetate, acetone and isopropanol.  Regular Curcumin from different suppliers contains varying levels of these residual solvents, often at much higher levels  than the USP specifications.  While these solvents are Class 3 with low toxic potential, higher residual levels may result in chronic exposure above the permitted daily exposure levels and may cause adverse health effects.
  • Different lots of Curcumin obtained from the same supplier will often contain varying levels of the residual solvents.
  • Regular Curcumin from some suppliers also shows residues of class 2 solvents such as hexane and dichloromethane (neurotoxins and carcinogens), sometimes at higher levels than the USP specifications.
  • It is also not uncommon to find residues of dichloroethane with Regular Curcumin often well above USP Specifications.  Dichloroethane, a Class 1 banned solvent is a known human carcinogen and toxic.  Contamination of curcumin extracts or curcumin products with such a solvent leads many potential health effects such as central nervous system disorders, adverse liver, kidney, and lung issues, and heart failure.






    Adulteration of Regular Turmeric Powder

    Although whole, dried, or fresh turmeric are typically free of contamination, turmeric powder with low levels of curcumin can be adulterated with chemicals as substitutes for curcumin.  Adulterants added to give the color to turmeric are dyes such as metanil yellow and lead chromate, which can seriously affect the nervous system and may be carcinogenic.  Sometimes, ingredients such as starch, chalk powder, and saw dust are added as fillers which may end up harming the body on long term.

    For more information on RealOrganic™ Curcumin, please visit our partner's site here

    Singh RP, Singh P, Ibrahim HP et al. Land application of sewage sludge: physicochemical and microbial response. Rev Environ Contam Toxicol. 2011; 214:4161.

    Natural and organic foods. FMI 2002.

    Organic FAQs. Nature 428, 796-798 (22 April 2004) | doi:10.1038/428796a.

    USDA Organic Presentation. National Organic Program.

    National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) Crops Subcommittee Proposal Hydroponic/Aquaponics/Bioponics September 6, 2016.

    Guidance for Industry Q3C — Tables and List. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER), February 2012, ICH Revision.

    USP 467 Residual solvents. 561 Pesticide residues.

    Liva R. Toxic solvent found in curcumin extract, Integrative Medicine, 2010; 9:50.

    Dhanya and Sasikumar. Molecular marker based adulteration detection in traded food and agricultural commodities of plant origin with special reference to spices. Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy, 2010; 4: 454.